Australians in Israel

Consular Support

Australians in need of emergency consular assistance should contact the Australian Government’s 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre at +61 2 6261 3305 (from overseas) or 1300 555 135 (from within Australia).

Where cases need to be escalated, people can call Josh Burns MP’s office at 9534 8126 or send an email to with the following details:

  • Full name

  • Contact number

  • Passport number

  • Reason for the requirement for escalation

Flights Home

The Australian Government has announced that at least two Qantas flights will help Australian citizens leave Israel. Flights from Ben Gurion Airport to London will operate free of charge for Australians who do not already have plans to leave through commercial options.

The two flights will depart starting Friday, 13 October, with details of the flights still being finalised.

To register yourself for a flight, call +61 6261 3305, 24/7 or register a

If you’re in Australia and you’re calling on someone’s behalf, call 1300 555 155, 24/7.

Any Australian citizens, permanent residents, or family members of Australians should register with DFAT here.