
“We can best support Israel when we support one another and take care of ourselves.”

Mental Health Resources

Staying on top of your mental health, and the mental health of your family, must be a top priority. Here you will find everything from free counselling services, to advice on how to talk to your children about what’s going on. Remember to always reach out for support, and to check in on your family and friends who may need a helping hand.

Australians in Israel

If you are an Australian citizens in Israel, click below.

Israelis in Australia

If you are an Israeli citizens in Australia, click below.

News Sources

Social media has become amongst the most toxic places for our community. Here you will find trustworthy and reliable news sources which can keep you up to date, without the graphic content which has been circulating. It is also important to take breaks from your phone, social media and the news.

Security Resources

There has been lots of uncertainty and concern surrounding the security of our own community here in Victoria. Here you will find security resources to help you feel and stay safe.

In the case of an emergency, dial 000.

Community Resources

Our community is filled with diverse and complementary resources which can help us as we get through this terrible time. These range from spiritual resources, to economic resources, to resources for Australians in Israel now.